Sky as a Kite

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I cannot get out!

Who thought that taking a shower can become an adventure? Today the bathroom decided to lock me in. I turned the door knob, rattled at the door, but it would not open. First I thought that the steam from the shower might have caused the door to be jammed, so I threw myself against it. Then I noticed that turning the handle did not have any effect on the lock. Of course the bathroom window has bars on it...
I tried to take apart the handle, but as my only tool available was a pair of nail scissors I did not get very far. I threw myself against the door again a few more times. Doors are more sturdy in real life than in the movies and now my shoulder hurts. For a time I gave up, the bathroom needed cleaning anyway, so I employed myself for a bit.
Some more time spent trying to take apart the doorknob ratteling and using my little body weight against the door. I desperately shouted for my flatmate, but she was out. Was I going to be stuck in here for the next 2 hours? I turned the doorknob again and the door opened as if is were the most normal thing in the world.
This was also the last time this door knob worked; I already had to rescue my flatmate once out of the bathroom once. At the moment the only choice one has is to keep the door open or be locked in. We should invest in a screwdriver I guess.
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