Sky as a Kite

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The city of sleeping dogs

One of my fellow street vendors decided to adopt the pretty Labrador, which hangs around at the plaza today.
The city is full of strays, mostly male ones. They are not castrated so the gender is fairly easy to observe. A friendly bunch, they are liked by the human inhabitants of the city, who sometimes feed them (there are stores here solely dedicated to pet food, in one lives a cat, who always gives me this look when I walk past "I live in heaven, where do YOU live?", but this post is supposed to be about dogs...) and tolerate them lying in the oddest places.
This is how they spend most of their days, sleeping in sunny spots, sometimes in the middle of a busy sidewalk oblivious to everyone around them. One of the running gags of the street vendors is to place a "to sell" sign on the dog sleeping next to their stand. Very zen.
But it is not an easy life. I saw a dog japping and scratching himself, because he was tortured by flees, another lost looking fellow standing in the entrance of the supermarket, shivering in the cold. The dogs sitting around my bread stand looking at me with big sad eyes are probably also not there, because they have a special affinity for German bread.
But one of them has a warm spot to sleep tonight and a human to feed and cuddle him. Lucky chap.
Posted on - Categories: Valpo

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