Sky as a Kite

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Saturday night time travel

Erin and me fell out off character this Saturday and actually went out. Rodrigo and his band were playing a concert in the house he used to live in. A crazy place it feels like it has just been nailed together according to how much rooms are needed. His band is good, they should not have ended with Coldplay, actually they should not have played any Coldplay altogether, but their own songs were good and they did some nice covers as well. Somehow, for some reason Erin and me started making a list of concerts we would go to if we had a time machine.

These were:

Bob Dylan in New York beginning 60s when he was young and cute
Bob Dylan 66 Manchester Free Trade Hall


David Bowie in his Ziggy Stardust persona

We were divided about Woodstock, Erin first wanted me to just take her 10 year younger self, but I pointed out that, considering she does not remember me taking her, we would logically destroy any chance of ever finding it if we agreed to it. So she requested to have a shower built into the time machine instead.

A Beatles concert in order to SCREAM with the other girls.

At this point we noticed that we should really visit a hair dresser in each of the time periods we go to.

As we were running out of ideas for concerts we decided to become extras in movies instead.

We are going to stand in the crowd in the town square in Princess Bride

I'm going to be in the background of a flower girl scene in City Lights

Erin is going to have her own Hitchcock moment in all of the Hitchcock movies.

After planning all this we noticed that none of out time machine plans include killing Hitler or any other dictator. We will be busy getting a haircut.

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