Sky as a Kite

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Lýsi Summary

I was still recovering from being sick this week. Surprisingly the only thing that markly improved since I started taking Lýsi, though it is the one health effect not mentioned on the website. I did not feel any other effect. The light is coming back. Sunrise is at 8:09 and sunset at 19:09, which means we have 11 hours of sunlight, which is definately improving my mood. No it only has to stop snowing. Because this would be awesome three weeks before Christmas but not three weeks before easter:


Final state = 18 / (6-42)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
How fatigued was I this week? (full of energy to exhausted) x
Fatigue interferred with my work, school or social life (Disagree - Agree ) −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Nights with insomnia x
Severity of Acne outbreaks <3 lesions <3 lesion and whiteheads connected lesions connected lesions and whiteheads 10%-25% 10%-25% and whiteheads >25%
Backpain this week (none to excrutiating) x
Sick? no yes

Posted on - Categories: Iceland

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