Sky as a Kite

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Confused familiarity

Last Christmas I was in Amsterdam, where I had lived for 3 years during my studies. It was a confusing experience, everything was familiar and yet I ended up getting completely lost.
The last two day I spent setting up a server and moving my blog as the laptop I had it on (I'm running this blog on an old laptop from home using pagekite) finally broke after being constantly running for 90% of the last 4 years. As a part time geek I have long stretches of time I am not working with servers, perl scrips and the like, so my experience is always very much like being in Amsterdam. Everything is familiar and yet I am confused.

Anyway, now that I'm back I can catch up on posts I meant to write last month. I will be writing about the inadequacies of Icelandic Karneval, board games and my usual politics and geekery.
And of course there will be more pictures.

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