Sky as a Kite

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Morgunblaðið is mocking me!

There have been hundreds of earthquakes in the last week. While most were, as usual for Iceland, under 3 on the Richter scale and not noticeable, we had enough big ones to feel the earth shaking several times a day. After a day or two, this had become common place and everyone stopped worrying about it. Except for me. Because I had to go to the dentist for a filling this week. I am already terrified of the dentist, the idea that an earthquake will hit while he is drilling into my teeth is a nightmare scenario. I guess someone told Morgunblaðið (Icelandic newspaper), because their cartoonist drew this:


It went well, or at least only was traumatizing the usual amount, without added earthquakes. The earthquakes is probably a sign of an impending volcanic eruption, something I am excited about, because I could see it from my living room window. Fingers crossed.

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