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Anne of Green Gables

Last Monday was Lucy Maud Montgomery 141st birthday. She is the author of the "Anne of Green Gables" books. Anne was one of my childhood heroines, probably the one I identified the most with (getting lost in fantasy worlds and a temper).

I have read and reread the books several time as well as seen several adaptations. My favourite ones are below.

Akage no An - anime (1979)
The first anime and the first adaptation of "Anne of Green Gables" I saw. It is beautifully drawn and follows the book faithfully. Most of the narration is straight out of the book. I like it when things are not dumbed down, because they are for kids and it makes the anime enjoyable to watch even as a grown up. When I re-watched it recently I was surprised to notice a lot of subtle characterisation of Marilla, which I had missed of a kid.

TV mini series Anne of Green Gables (1985) and Anne of Avonlea (1987)
Megan follows is a wonderful Anne. The first series adopts the "Anne of Green Gables" book and the second is a mix of the books "Anne of Avonlea", "Anne of the Island" and "Anne of Windy Poplars". "Anne of Avonlea" and "Anne of Windy Poplars" are both very episodic and the series takes incidences and characters from both books and incorporates them into the Anne's character development arc from "Anne of the Island". Both series are perfect for a rainy afternoon.

Web series Green Gables Fables and Project Green Gables
Green Gables Fables is now it its second season. The first followed "Anne of Green Gables", in between seasons some stories from "Anne of Avonlea" were adopted/mentioned on the social media sites of the characters and the second season is now adopting "Anne of the Island".
Project Green Gables is currently in it's first season and adopting "Anne of Green Gables".
It is very interesting to view both series side by side. Both are very faithful to the book(s), have an excellent cast for both the main and side characters and the love for the characters and story from everyone involved shines through. In Green Gables Fables Anne's character flaws, such as her stubbornness and temper or unrealistic expectation (wanting her first published story to be in the New Yorker) and subsequent character development are emphasized (and Matthews story is heartbreakingly well adopted) while in Project Green Gables conflicts of the book are ingeniously brought to modern times, from Anne being sad about wearing clothes from the Salvation Army flea market, Ruby Gillis talking about slut shaming or Anne being a girl of colour with natural hair, giving her issues with it and the fight with Mrs Lynde and Gilbert about their comments on it a new and interesting interpretation.

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