From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego

The end of the world...

... is not Ushuaia. It's a nice place, but feels rather like a Swiss ski resort. Therefore we took a small speed boat over the Beagle Channel to Puerto Navaino, a single house on the beach which houses the Chilean customs office. From there we went over bumpy roads to Puerto Williams. I had been scared to get seasick during the crossing, I should have worried about the bus ride.

There are hiking trails starting from Puerto Williams, for some one has to have a GPS, equipment, provisions and enough guts to withstand the unpredictable weather.

I stood in the snow on top of the Flag hill, wind howling around me looking across the Beagle Channel to Antarktica, Puerto Williams below me.

Puerto Williams consists of a few houses huddled around the harbour. The colorful mostly wooden houses from the fishermen and the white modern ones from the military base. The military operates their own supermarket and hospital. We went into the supermarket by accident to buy wine for dinner and had an older soldier explain to us in the rapid Chilean Spanish that we have to use his card. We were bemused about this episode until 2 day later someone explained to us that the supermarket only sells to military members.

We stayed in Pattis house. An adventuress she travels the world as a cook on all kind of ships. She is an amazing cook. We went with her to the only bar in town, located in an old shipwreck.

A good end of the road.

Posted on 31 Jan 2014, 21:09 - Categories: Chile