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The curious case of the missing chocolate pudding

In Germany every supermarket is stocked with a variety of chocolate puddings right next to the yogurt. In Iceland I find one, if I'm lucky. For everyone else who is suffering of chocolate pudding shortage and excessive laziness, here is my (for a change non-vegan) easy chocolate pudding recipe:

A coup of AB-Mjólk
3 tablespoons of cacao powder
1 sablespoon of sugar

AB-Mjoĺk is a kind of yogurt with added probiotics, so I can pretend I'm eating something healthy.

Because it is right next to the milk, is packaged like milk (it comes in 1L tetra packs) and has the Icelandic word for milk (mjólk) in the name, it is the object of the most commonly made shopping mistake of foreigners in Iceland. Message boards are full of stories of people ruining their coffee with AB-Mjólk. So for everyone out there: milk is sold in blue (Nýmjólk = whole milk), yellow (Létt Mjólk = skim milk) or violet (G-Mjólk = homogenized milk) packages.
AB-Mjólk is really tasty in muesli, I also use it to make dips or smoothies, just don't put it in coffee!

Posted on - Categories: Iceland

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