Sky as a Kite

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Becoming a famous blogger

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Nahhhh, not really. I am however trying to widen my audience. When this blog started out it was a way for me to let my friends and family know what is going on with me while travelling the panamerican highway without having to write constant emails or having to join facebook.
During the 9 months I spent living the bohemian life in Valparaiso I became an accidental writer, starting a book about my travels and probably being influenced by my *American accent* awesome *American accent* flatmate Shannon.
The topics on my blog expanded from: "look at that picture of me" to politics, life musings and general observations about the country I was living in. And food, love food. I also think my writing got better (though the person editing my book at the moment is taken a suspiciously long time, it will be all marked red, with comments such as "grammer matters!").

I signed up on some expat blog websites as this is the closest my blog can be identified as (see links in the side bar). I also put my blog up on bloglovin, in case anyone is using that, click the links, like and make me famous!

I completely forgot, this is the internet, no complicated schemes needed. As I do not want to post porn, here the cutest cat gif I could find:

source:Catleecious (warning, might lead to time wasting at work)
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Tauriel bugs me - the Hobbit movie thoughts

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Tauriel could have been a cool character, like Bard or Bilbo. The person who sees the bigger picture, past the greed and pettiness. But instead she ran after a man she had one conversation with, because this is the only motivation a woman can have (to be fair, Legolas ran after her, if it weren't for people chasing each other for stupid reasons no one would have made it to the Lonely Mountain).

Peter Jackson seems to sometimes be confused about which movie he is making. Whenever Legolas appears I feel I'm watching a Super Mario Brothers play-through. Someone has to take the most ridiculous scenes and set it to video game music.
Then there are suddenly Dune worms in Middle Earth? And gone again, because Peter Jackson remembered he was doing the Hobbit.

What the heck was up with super powerful floater-zombie Galadriel?

Bilbo Baggins has a thousand times bigger balls than Frodo.

Thorin's voice changing to Smaug's was a neat effect and the scene where Bard kills the dragon was awesome.

The woman with a thousand names....

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This is a guide for anyone who might be confused by all the Pseudonyms I'm using.

  • Christina / Tine -> That is my real name,Tine is the nickname my sister gave me when we were kids (because she does not understand Christina would be shortened to Tina, or maybe it is easier to say Tineeeeee in an annoyed tone than Tina) and it stuck.

  • Svala -> My oldest internet nickname. I use it when I need a nickname, but don't necessarily want it to refer to me. I thought it means artic turn (my favourite bird), but is actually a swallow.

  • Anna Heinsdóttir -> As an Icelandophile I made up that name after the Icelandic patronymic system. My father is Heinz, my second name Anna. I use it anytime I have to sign up for something, but don't want to use my real name (my username is then usually svala). Anna is alternately from Afghanistan (first on any country list) or USA (just because).

  • efia/efiabruni -> My handle, whenever I want people to identify me by it. Efia is my Ghanian soul name (Ashanti). It means "born on friday". Efiabruni is a joke born out of Efia and the Ashanti word for "white person", Obruni.

  • Just to be more confusing: I have a Chinese name as well. It is 牛 (last name)小娜(first name), which is actually quite a normal name (sometimes translating western names into Chinese results in something awkward). If one wanted to, one could translate it into small and elegant cow.

All of this is obviously because I'm a Russian spy.
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What happened here?

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After long consideration I decided not to buy this bed
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Genug ist nicht genug!

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This has been a week of excited expectations. The universe decided to manipulate the odds in my favour. Whether it is just getting chocolate, couchsurfing meetings being moved to the perfect time and place or very likely finally getting a flat. After a lot of waiting and trying and frustrations things start to happen and I'm getting used to it. I fear that when things go back to mediocracy it will feel like coming off a sugar rush.

But until then I will excitedly and impatiently wait whatever is next. Here is the song from the title. Genug ist nicht genug!
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